Ensure game objectives align with curriculum objectives. Learning outcomes achieved through computer games depend largely on how we align learning (such as learning subject areas and learning purposes), learner characteristics, and game-based pedagogy with the design of a game. In other words, if the game objectives match the curriculum objectives, disconnects are avoided between the game design and curricular goals. (Tom’s class)
Equally the curriculum is continuously extended and updated to include 21st century skills and games fit right into that extension.
Story telling, for instance, is a powerful motivator and when used to design with Kodu and tell the story through PP presentation a number of these skills are involved. Of course writing skills are the most difficult to achieve without careful planning and structuring the material. Using Kodu in this visual way of producing backgrounds introduced structure and sequence which are important elements in writing. Also, by creating the game first the story and writing come as a bonus. (Jon’s class)
Storytelling using Scratch combines Swedish with art in LEXBY school:
”I thought it was a fun way to work with the picture (art) and Swedish together. I expected that it would take some time for the students to take care of it, but that they would think it was fun. I expected it to deepen their memory of their fairytales they wrote” (Linda’s class)
”In the Swedish language and literature curriculum, it says that you should work with text and picture and how they are linked together. By using Scratch for our story, we took the writing process one dimension further. Most importantly they thought it was fun.” (Sara’s class)
The more closely aligned curriculum goals and game goals, the more the learning outcomes of the game will match the desired learning outcomes of the student. This is quite hard to achieve and the topic of debate in both countries.